

Cycling Deaths Lead to Calls for Increased Ottawa Bicycle Infrastructure

Two Ottawa cycling deaths this summer, combined with multiple Ottawa cycling injuries and countless close calls have left Ottawa bicycle enthusiasts spinning. If we accept that we are in a climate crisis (and how can we not?), surely we must do everything in our power as a City to promote [...]

Fatal Car Accident near Carleton Place

A fatal car accident near Carleton Place on March 28, 2013 at 8:45 pm has claimed two lives. The Beckwith Township accident took place on Old Richmond Road near Crooked Side Road.  The collision involved a pick-up truck and a small sedan.  Tragically, two occupants of the sedan, both [...]

Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer on the Radio

Auger Hollingsworth is delighted to announce that lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth will be live on 580 CFRA on Saturday, August 18, 2012.  That's 580 on the AM radio dial. Brenda will be answering live calls about all things personal injury.  If you have a question or comment, we hope to hear from [...]

Ottawa Judge Awards $6.1 Million After Rollover accident on Highway 401

Ottawa Lawyer -  The Honourable Mr. Justice Quigley released his judgment yesterday in our case involving a man in his twenties who suffered a serious spinal cord injury, among other injuries, in a single vehicle rollover accident.  He was a passenger in the car.  The accident was near Brockville [...]

Facebook and Your Ottawa Accident Case

Can information on Facebook be used in your Ontario personal injury case?   There has been some recent discussion surrounding the use of an individual’s Facebook page during Ontario personal injury litigation.  The question is whether or not an injured person’s Facebook page is relevant to litigation and if [...]

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