

Will you take my Ottawa accident case on a contingency basis?

Ottawa Lawyer -- For many of our Ottawa personal injury clients, we will accept their case on a contingency basis.  Taking a case on contingency means that the lawyer’s fees are contingent (or dependent) on the outcome of the case.  This means that if the client does not recover [...]

Struck by a car as a pedestrian or a cyclist? How do you pay for Rehab?

Ottawa Accident Lawyer--If you are an Ontario  pedestrian or a cyclist who was struck by a motor vehicle in Ottawa, there is accident benefit insurance that can help you.  If you do not have car insurance, accident benefit insurance is available to almost anyone injured in an Ontario accident.  Your [...]

How long do I have to sue after an Ontario accident?

Ottawa Lawyer -- There is a two year limitation period for most adult personal injury cases in Ontario.  This means that you must hire a lawyer and begin the legal process within two years of your accident.  In some circumstances, shorter notice requirements are in place which means that [...]

Do I need a lawyer for my Ottawa injury case?

Ottawa lawyer-- Some people who suffer a personal injury in Ottawa might be able to negotiate a settlement without the help of a lawyer.  Most often these cases involve minor injuries that improve or heal quickly, and no significant wage loss.  However, for more significant injuries, it is in your [...]

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