
personal injury lawyer

Ottawa Insurance Lawyer Working for You after an Accident

Ontario Lawyer -- After a serious motor vehicle accident, you need an experienced plaintiff-side Ottawa insurance lawyer working for you to assist you to advance both your accident benefit claim and your claim against the at-fault driver for damages.   Ottawa insurance lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth acts only for injured [...]

Will you take my Ottawa accident case on a contingency basis?

Ottawa Lawyer -- For many of our Ottawa personal injury clients, we will accept their case on a contingency basis.  Taking a case on contingency means that the lawyer’s fees are contingent (or dependent) on the outcome of the case.  This means that if the client does not recover [...]

If I was a passenger in a vehicle in an accident with a family member can I sue?

Ontario Lawyer -- If you were seriously injured as a passenger in a car accident in Ottawa, you should consult a personal injury lawyer.  Even if the driver of the vehicle was responsible for the accident, you could still have a legitimate claim.  Also, if the personal driving was [...]

Do I need a lawyer for my Ottawa injury case?

Ottawa lawyer-- Some people who suffer a personal injury in Ottawa might be able to negotiate a settlement without the help of a lawyer.  Most often these cases involve minor injuries that improve or heal quickly, and no significant wage loss.  However, for more significant injuries, it is in your [...]

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