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Personal Injury For Children

Avoid Child Injury Using Booster Seats

Mandatory Use of Booster Seats for Child Safety Booster seats are mandatory for children who are too big for car seats and too small for ordinary adult seat belts. Children who are too small for booster seats must use a car seat by law. The specifics are as follows: Babies [...]

By |November 5, 2010|Personal Injury For Children|

Ontario Child Injury Claim Lawyer

All settlements of cases involving minors (or others under a legal disability) require court approval. This is to protect the child to ensure: The settlement appears appropriate relative to the injury and precedent cases; and The legal fees and expenses charged by your child's lawyer are fair and appropriate [...]

By |November 5, 2010|Personal Injury For Children|

Ottawa Child Injury Lawyer | Personal Injury

General Information About Your Child's Personal Injury If your child has been injured in an accident, you need lawyers committed to representing children to ensure your child has the financial compensation needed to maximize recovery. Ottawa personal injury lawyers, Auger Hollingsworth, recognize that protecting your child's rights requires special [...]

By |November 5, 2010|Personal Injury For Children|

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