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Ottawa Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer | Complete and Partial Spinal Cord Injuries

If you have suffered a spinal cord injury in Eastern Ontario or Ottawa, our experienced personal injury lawyers would be pleased to assist you recover the funds that you need for your rehabilitation and compensation. After a serious accident involving the spinal cord,  it is normal and necessary to look [...]

Ottawa Car Accident Lawyer | Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Many Ontario accident victims learn they have developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.  This condition is a chronic neurological syndrome that frequently results in debilitating pain.   Our clients have developed this condition following crush injuries, motor vehicle accident injuries and cycling accidents. Complex regional pain syndrome may [...]

By |November 6, 2010|Blog, Types of Ontario Injuries|

Ottawa Lawyer: Ottawa Valley Experiences 350% increase in Fatal Accidents

Unlike most of Eastern Ontario, the area patrolled by the Upper Ottawa Valley Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police experienced an increase in fatal motor vehicle accidents in 2009.   In 2008, the area saw only two fatal accidents.  In 2009, the area saw nine fatal accidents.  Affected communities include:  Petawawa, [...]

By |November 6, 2010|Blog, Fatal Accidents|

Ottawa Lawyer: What is a Neuropsychologist and When Do You Need One?

A neuropsychologist is a professional who assesses an individual’s cognitive, motor, behavioral, language and executive functioning skills on the basis of the acquired data. In other words, a neuropsychologist is a medical professional who tests and evaluates the diverse functioning skills of your brain by employing different methods. A [...]

By |November 6, 2010|Blog, Types of Ontario Injuries|

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