How to Choose an Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer
Choosing an Ottawa personal injury lawyer for your serious injury claim is an important decision. Brenda Hollingsworth was selected by one client whose family had interviewed many other lawyers before choosing the Auger Hollingsworth law firm.
Ask an Ottawa Accident Lawyer: Do I Have A Case?
If you have had a car accident in Ottawa, Kingston or Eastern Ontario, you are probably wondering if you have a case to claim for damages or compensation. Here are some factors that our Ontario personal injury lawyers consider when deciding whether or not you have a claim. 1) [...]
If I hire an Ontario Lawyer for my Injury Case, will there be a trial?
Q: If I hire an Ontario personal injury lawyer for my Ontario injury case, does that mean there will be a trial? A: The vast majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court. Fewer than 5% of these cases go to trial in Ontario. Some injury cases [...]