How to Choose an Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer

Image of a judge's gavel laying on it's stand, with a blurry background.

OTTAWA INJURY LAWYER – Choosing an Ottawa personal injury lawyer for your serious injury claim is an important decision.  Brenda Hollingsworth was selected by one client whose family had interviewed many other lawyers before choosing the Auger Hollingsworth law firm.  Of course we are pleased that we were selected to assist this seriously injured lady.  However, we were just as happy to see a family playing close attention to how they were selecting a lawyer.

The Yellow Pages: Not Always the Best Source

For one thing, selecting from the Yellow Pages is no longer the best move.  Many top lawyers (including the lawyer at this firm) no longer even list in the Yellow Pages.  We made that decision two years ago because we felt that it was not a great medium to communicate our message.  Other excellent personal injury lawyers have made the same decision. So, if you chose only based on Yellow Pages listings, you will miss many great candidates.

Caution Against Lawyers Soliciting in Hospitals

We strongly caution injured people against signing up with law firms who troll the halls of the local hospitals.  In our opinion, good lawyers do not solicit clients in the hospital.  There is usually no legal issue in your case that is so urgent that it cannot wait until you get a chance to speak to a lawyer of your choosing.  The social workers in the hospital can help you research lawyers if need be, or can call a lawyer for you for a no-obligation consultation if you have an immediate legal need.  However, there will rarely be a situation where a seriously injured vicitm will be forced into a legal situation warranting a quick hire of a lawyer who “just so happens” to be dropping by.   The personal injury lawyer of your choosing will, in all likelihood, come to the hospital to meet with you if you need them to.  We certainly do this all the time.

Caution Against Lawyers Soliciting in Hospitals

Websites are an excellent place to start your search for an Ottawa lawyer.  Many personal injury websites contain useful information that can make you a more educated consumer.  We hope you feel that way about ours.

Utilizing Websites in Your Search

But no website can take the place of actually speaking with the lawyer (not just the paralegal) who will be handling your case from start to finish.  Personal injury claims can take a while to resolve.  You need to have a relationship with that lawyer that can stand the test of time.  Do you communicate well with the lawyer? Does she (or he) listen well and explain what you want to know, when you want to know it?  All of that matters as the weeks turn into months and you are wondering what is going on with your case.  One of the videos in our “Video Library” is there to give you an idea of what to expect at the initial client interview.

We urge all injured vicitms who contact us to be certain before they select a personal injury lawyer.  While it is possible to change lawyers part way through a case, it is not easy or free to do so.

Contact Auger Hollingsworth for Your Accident Claim

Injured in an Ottawa accident and looking for a lawyer to help you make your accident claim? Contact the Ottawa accident lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth today by email [email protected] or by phone at (613) 233-4529.

About the Author: Brenda Hollingsworth

Brenda Hollingsworth co-founded Ottawa’s Auger Hollingsworth in 2005 with her husband Richard Auger. Together, their mission was to create a personal injury law firm for Eastern Ontario that is unrivalled in the province for customer service and legal expertise. Brenda was named an Ottawa Business Journal Forty Under 40 award recipient and took home the Women’s Business Network’s Businesswoman of the Year award in the Professional category. She was also recognized as one of Ottawa Life Magazine’s “Top 50 People in the Capital.” She is often quoted as an expert and has appeared in media outlets such as CTV, The Globe and Mail, National Post, Ottawa Citizen, Sun Media, CBC, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, CFRA and many legal publications.

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