Ottawa Lawyer: Ottawa Amusement Park Injuries
As Ottawa personal injury lawyers who also like to have fun, we know it is a drag to talk about injuries at amusement parks. However, they are a reality. Would you know what to do if you or a loved one were injured in an accident at an amusement park or Ontario water park?
Here are some things to consider:
After an accident at a midway or waterpark, you should ensure that you obtain the name of the ride that caused the injury. If you are physically able, or if there is a friend who can assist, ask to see the information about the ride which should include its official name and age.
Try to get the ride operators’ names as well as their manager’s name.
Request the opportunity to complete an incident report and get a copy for yourself. You may not have a photocopier but you probably have a camera on your cell phone. See if you can snap a legible picture of the key parts of the form.
Get a photo of the ride. If there is a missing piece, protrusion or anything else that is visible and was related to the accident, try to get a picture of that.
Were there witnesses to the accident? Get names, addresses and telephone numbers.
Many times, accident victims are embarrassed and are tempted to simply say they are “okay” and leave as quickly as possible. Resist this urge and take the steps outlined above.
Need more information? Here is a link to our article on Ottawa amusement park injuries.