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Statutory Accident Benefits

Ottawa Lawyer: Settling Your Ontario Accident Benefits on Your Own?

If you have had an Ontario motor vehicle accident and more than one year has passed, if you are handling your case without an Ontario personal injury lawyer, your accident benefits insurer may approach you to settle your claim.  If you settle your claim, all future accident benefits will [...]

By |November 5, 2023|Blog, Statutory Accident Benefits|

5 Things You Should Know Before You Settle Your Accident Benefit Claim

Are you thinking about resolving your accident benefit case? If you are representing yourself on your motor vehicle accident file, or even just looking after your own accident benefit claim, the insurance adjuster may approach you to discuss settling your accident benefit claim. Many claimants in the Greater Toronto Area [...]

By |June 12, 2020|Blog, Statutory Accident Benefits|

Cycling Deaths Lead to Calls for Increased Ottawa Bicycle Infrastructure

Two Ottawa cycling deaths this summer, combined with multiple Ottawa cycling injuries and countless close calls have left Ottawa bicycle enthusiasts spinning. If we accept that we are in a climate crisis (and how can we not?), surely we must do everything in our power as a City to promote [...]

Completing Statutory Accident Benefits Forms

If you have had a motor vehicle accident, you will probably receive forms from your insurance company to complete.  Alternatively, you might download the forms from the FSCO website.  These forms relate to your application for Statutory Accident Benefits, also known as "no-fault" benefits in Ontario. In order to claim [...]

How can I claim Ontario no-fault benefits in a motor vehicle accident?

The Ottawa personal injury lawyers at Brenda Hollingsworth’s office are often asked about Ontario no-fault benefits and how they can be applied for after a motor vehicle accident. The best way for you to get an answer that applies to you specifically is to contact us directly by calling +1 [...]

Ontario limitation periods. How long do I have to file my Ontario personal injury lawsuit?

The Ottawa personal injury lawyers at Brenda Hollingsworth’s office are often asked about Ontario limitation periods. Victims of personal injury want to know how long they have to file a claim for their Ontario accident. The best way to get an answer specific to your case is to call us at +1 [...]

In an Eastern Ontario motor vehicle accident how am I compensated if I need to be retrained for work?

If you are a victim of an Eastern Ontario motor vehicle accident and you are left unable to perform your work duties, you may need retraining or modified tasks in your job.  Any time your livelihood is impacted by an accident, you should look to a personal injury lawyer for advice. The [...]

Why should I hire an Ontario lawyer who has a focus in personal injury after my Ontario personal injury accident?

When searching online or in the Yellow Pages for an Ontario lawyer after your Ontario personal injury accident, a large pool of potential lawyers will be available. However, not all lawyers have a focus on personal injury cases.  The Ottawa personal injury lawyers at Brenda Hollingsworth’s office get asked [...]

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