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Other Ontario Accident Issues

Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer: Distracted Driving

OTTAWA ACCIDENT LAWYERS – With the increasing prevalence of Blackberry, iPhone and other cellular devices in workplaces across Ontario, cell-phone-related car accidents have become a bigger concern for Ottawa area drivers. More than half of Canadians surveyed by CareerBuilder Canada admitted to using cell phones while driving – despite [...]

By |November 5, 2010|Blog, Other Ontario Accident Issues|

Get a Fair Settlement from your Ontario Motor Vehicle Accident

1. Get appropriate medical care promptly following the auto accident: Call 9-1-1. Let trained medical professionals evaluate your injuries and take you to the hospital if needed. 2. Tell the truth but only the truth: Many accident victims speculate about the extent of their injuries or the cause of the [...]

Getting Compensation if You were At Fault in an Accident

Please do not assume that you cannot benefit from an Ottawa personal injury lawyer's advice because you think, or the police think, that you caused the accident. Do not dismiss the possibility of recovering damages in a single car accident. #1: Ontario Statutory Accident Benefits, also known as "No-fault benefits" Very significant [...]

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