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Ontario Legal Process for Accidents

It’s Not Big Brother Watching… Just a Private Investigator!

If you’ve been in an accident and begun your injury case, there is a good chance that you will be the subject of some surveillance by a private investigator. When you make a personal injury claim, it is the insurance company’s job to make sure that your story is [...]

What is a Pre-trial and Why Do I Need One?

This post was originally published on Nov 3rd, 2010 and updated on June 17th, 2020.   If you have a personal injury lawsuit in Ottawa or certain other jurisdictions in this Eastern Ontario, you will have a pretrial before your case goes to trial before a judge or a judge and jury. [...]

By |June 17, 2020|Blog, Ontario Legal Process for Accidents|

How Can I Have Success at Examination for Discovery? | Ontario

This post was originally published on Nov 3rd, 2010 and updated on June 12th, 2020.   Many plaintiffs worry about the examination for discovery. The truth is, this is an important part of your case. It is the first time the opposing lawyer hears from you directly. Not only will the [...]

By |June 12, 2020|Blog, Ontario Legal Process for Accidents|

How Long Will It Take to Settle My Ontario Accident Case?

This post was originally published on Sep 3rd, 2010 and updated on June 4th, 2020.   As personal injury lawyers who meet hundreds of accident clients, we know that if you have been in a motor vehicle collision, either as a driver, passenger, cyclist or pedestrian, you are probably wondering how [...]

Ontario limitation periods. How long do I have to file my Ontario personal injury lawsuit?

The Ottawa personal injury lawyers at Brenda Hollingsworth’s office are often asked about Ontario limitation periods. Victims of personal injury want to know how long they have to file a claim for their Ontario accident. The best way to get an answer specific to your case is to call us at +1 [...]

Why is the legal process of my Ontario personal injury claim so long?

After clients have filed their Ontario personal injury claim,  they can be surprised by the length of time it takes to see any real action. Clients want to know why their lawsuit is taking time to unfold and what is currently being done. To have your questions on the claim process [...]

What can I expect during my Eastern Ontario examination for discovery?

What you can expect during your Eastern Ontario examination for discovery. When a victim of an Eastern Ontario personal injury receives a Notice of Examination it can be nerve-wracking. There is a lot that happens during discovery. Clients  ask the Ottawa personal injury lawyers at Brenda Hollingsworth’s office what [...]

Join Ottawa Lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth on CTV Morning Live On Monday!

Ottawa personal injury lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth will be answering viewers' questions about what happens during your personal injury accident case after the personal injury lawyer is hired.    The segment airs on CTV Morning Live after 9 am on Monday, October 29, 2012. Get answers to your personal injury questions such as: How long [...]

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