
Motor Vehicle Accident Case Study: Liam

What if hiring a personal injury lawyer after an accident could change your life? Liam’s life was changed when he hired Auger Hollingsworth after a serious bike accident. On his bike ride to work at a coffee shop, Liam was struck by a taxi driver trying to overpass another car. [...]

By |May 26, 2021|Blog, Case Study|

A little spring into your step

Now that spring is finally here, many of us are enjoying more time outdoors. Enjoy the fresh air, but be safe when walking, especially when near roads or paths! Between 2004 and 2008, thirty-two individuals were killed in vehicle-­pedestrian accidents in just Ottawa. If you are ever injured in a [...]

By |March 26, 2021|Blog, Spring Tips|

8 Tips for Getting Long-Term Disability Benefits—Faster!

Applying for long-term disability (LTD) benefits? Boost the chances you’ll get approved on your first application! Meet all deadlines in your LTD policy. If you don’t know the deadlines, ask your HR department or check with the insurance company. Don’t assume your doctors know the details of your disability test. [...]

By |February 16, 2021|Blog, Long Term Disability|

Winter Driving: Personal Injury Lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth on CTVMorningLive

As the winter driving accidents start to pile up, Auger Hollingsworth personal injury lawyers founder, Brenda Hollingsworth, spoke to Annette Goerner about safe driving in winter conditions. Did you know? The number one reason our personal injury lawyers hear from at fault drivers who caused a collision is that [...]

It’s Not Big Brother Watching… Just a Private Investigator!

If you’ve been in an accident and begun your injury case, there is a good chance that you will be the subject of some surveillance by a private investigator. When you make a personal injury claim, it is the insurance company’s job to make sure that your story is [...]

Good Driving Music is Quiet Music

When we think of dangerous driving music, you might imagine rock-and-roll (rather than, say, classical opera), but a study out of Memorial University in Newfoundland suggests that the volume, rather than the kind of music, is more important for safety. In the study, any kind of music became distracting right [...]

By |January 24, 2021|Blog, Prevention|

3 Things to Know When Working with an Adjuster

Many people deal directly with an adjuster at the insurance company when injured in an accident to get fair compensation. In a large number of cases, you might not need a lawyer if you have a small injury or if the loss is straightforward. Here are a few things you [...]

By |January 24, 2021|Accident Information, Blog|

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