Motor Vehicle Accident Case Study: Noah


Think your life is over after a serious motor vehicle accident? Noah was surprised to learn that there is life after disability—if you choose the right lawyer.

On a cold January morning, Noah was stopped at an intersection on his way home from work. Suddenly, a car rear-ended him, propelling his car into the vehicle stopped directly in front of him. Paramedics and police officers rushed to the scene, and although Noah did not initially visit the hospital, he later realized the severity of his neck and back pain.

Noah’s Traumatic Injuries

Following his accident, Noah was diagnosed with migraines, whiplash, back and shoulder pain, headaches and anxiety. His injuries severely impacted his quality of life and caused lots of suffering for him and his family. Before his accident, Noah was a social person who enjoyed spending time with friends and going to the movies. Now, he feels uncomfortable gathering with friends since they do not understand his struggles.

How our Firm Helped Noah

We helped Noah and his family receive compensation for their pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life as well as income replacement based on his lost wages from work. We also helped Noah secure funding for his increased childcare and housekeeping costs since the accident.  Under the Family Law Act, we assisted his wife in receiving compensation based on her loss of companionship, support and increased responsibilities following the accident.

Noah’s Lawsuit

Our firm started a lawsuit and accident benefits claim against the car driver who rear-ended Noah on his family and his behalf. The lawyers helped Noah prepare for the examination for discovery. The liability was clearly on the driver who rear-ended him. With the help of experts, we estimated Noah’s economic losses, including lost wages and future care, and non-economic losses, including pain and suffering. The case did not settle at mediation because not all parties could agree on a fair amount. So, the case proceeded to pre-trial, where a judge reviewed each parties’ case in detail. Eventually, we reached a settlement that all parties were happy with. Noah received compensation from both the accident benefits settlement and the lawsuit. Noah was delighted, knowing that he and his family would no longer have to worry about an uncertain financial future stemming from his injury.

About the Author: Brenda Hollingsworth

Brenda Hollingsworth co-founded Ottawa’s Auger Hollingsworth in 2005 with her husband Richard Auger. Together, their mission was to create a personal injury law firm for Eastern Ontario that is unrivalled in the province for customer service and legal expertise. Brenda was named an Ottawa Business Journal Forty Under 40 award recipient and took home the Women’s Business Network’s Businesswoman of the Year award in the Professional category. She was also recognized as one of Ottawa Life Magazine’s “Top 50 People in the Capital.” She is often quoted as an expert and has appeared in media outlets such as CTV, The Globe and Mail, National Post, Ottawa Citizen, Sun Media, CBC, Toronto Star, Montreal Gazette, CFRA and many legal publications.

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