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Accident Information

Winter Driving: Personal Injury Lawyer Brenda Hollingsworth on CTVMorningLive

As the winter driving accidents start to pile up, Auger Hollingsworth personal injury lawyers founder, Brenda Hollingsworth, spoke to Annette Goerner about safe driving in winter conditions. Did you know? The number one reason our personal injury lawyers hear from at fault drivers who caused a collision is that [...]

It’s Not Big Brother Watching… Just a Private Investigator!

If you’ve been in an accident and begun your injury case, there is a good chance that you will be the subject of some surveillance by a private investigator. When you make a personal injury claim, it is the insurance company’s job to make sure that your story is [...]

3 Things to Know When Working with an Adjuster

Many people deal directly with an adjuster at the insurance company when injured in an accident to get fair compensation. In a large number of cases, you might not need a lawyer if you have a small injury or if the loss is straightforward. Here are a few things you [...]

By |January 24, 2021|Accident Information, Blog|

Defensive Driving: What to Do If You Get a Flat Tire While Driving

This post was originally published on Sep 2nd, 2012 and updated on June 16th, 2020.   There is nothing worse than a flat tire. Especially at night! Ugh! Have you heard the ominous “thump thump thump” while driving?  You know that noise means your vehicle is now operating one wheel [...]

By |June 16, 2020|Accident Information, Blog|

Cycling Deaths Lead to Calls for Increased Ottawa Bicycle Infrastructure

Two Ottawa cycling deaths this summer, combined with multiple Ottawa cycling injuries and countless close calls have left Ottawa bicycle enthusiasts spinning. If we accept that we are in a climate crisis (and how can we not?), surely we must do everything in our power as a City to promote [...]

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