Ottawa cyclists ride for safer road conditions, fewer bicycle-vehicle collisions
OTTAWA BICYCLE LAWYERS – As the personal injury lawyer for many injured cyclists, I ma impressed by this initiative. In an effort to make their voices heard by the government, more than 200 local cyclists took their bicycles to the streets of Ottawa this past Sunday.
The riding event was organized following the recent death of an Ottawa cyclist who collided with a vehicle on Boyce St. Those participating in the event were pushing for legislation to prevent further tragic bicycling accidents in Ottawa and other Canadian cities.
The law which increases the penalties against those caught driving with suspended licenses
One group who helped organize the event has already seen some satisfying results – they successfully pushed the government to introduce a law which increases the penalties against those caught driving with suspended licenses. The new law, named after the collision victim, will go into effect this fall.
This Sunday, participants in the ride were advocating a new idea: a law which would require at least one meter of clearance between vehicle drivers and cyclists on city roadways.
Bicycle injuries continue to be a serious problem on Ontario’s roads. Data collected and published by Transport Canada in 2005 revealed that in 2004, there were 3,597 bicycle-vehicle collisions in Ontario alone.
Contacting Ottawa Injury Lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth for Guidance
If you have been injured by a vehicle while cycling, be sure to get medical attention right away, and to follow up with your family physician in the days that follow. Remember that some injuries take a few days to settle in. Getting early medical attention is smart for your health and also helps in the event that you wish to pursue a claim for damages. For more information about what to after an accident, contact the Ottawa injury lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth by email or telephone 613 233-4529.