Getting Compensation if You were At Fault in an Accident

Please do not assume that you cannot benefit from an Ottawa personal injury lawyer’s advice because you think, or the police think, that you caused the accident. Do not dismiss the possibility of recovering damages in a single car accident.

#1: Ontario Statutory Accident Benefits, also known as “No-fault benefits”

Very significant accident benefits are available for seriously injured drivers, regardless of who or what caused the accident. A personal injury lawyer can help you get the most money from your accident benefit claim.

#2: Other Possible Causes or Contributing Factors to your Ontario Car Accident

The cause of an accident may not be clear to you or even to the traffic officer who attends at the scene. A personal injury lawyer, using the appropriate experts, can investigate whether there was any other cause or contributing factor that resulted in the accident. Improper signage, road maintenance or vehicular malfunction issues are just three of many explanations for what could have caused or contributed to your injuries. In all likelihood, none of these was carefully considered by the police.

#3: Car Faults also Known as Auto Defects

Even if the accident was technically your fault, it is possible that the extent of your injuries was increased because of your car. Seat belt or airbag malfunction frequently makes injuries worse. Under the right circumstances, we can make a claim against the car manufacturer. Similarly, automobile design flaws leading to a roof that crumbles or a vehicle that is more likely to tip over may give rise to a claim for damages against the car company, even where the accident itself was caused by the driver.

Contact Us

For more information about obtaining your Statutory Accident Benefits, or other third party claims, contact Richard Auger or Brenda Hollingsworth using at [email protected].

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