Unconscious at the Accident Scene?

If you have suffered any type of car accident, a recurring quesion by the insurance company and your medical team will be about whether or not you were unconscious at the accident scene.  There are certainly many reasons from a medical standpoint why this is very important to know.

From a legal perspective,  if you are unconscious at the accident scene, or in a period of time close to the accident, you may qualify for a higher level of accident benefits.

If you have a Glasgow Coma Scale of 9 or below that is documented by the paramedics or other medical professionals, your accident may be termed “catastrophic”.  People who suffer catastrophic injuries are entitled to a higher level of accident benefits.  Glasgow Coma Scale is also referred to as “GCS”.

For example, your medical / rehabilitation benefits increase from $50,000 to $1 Million.  Plus, they don’t expire after 10 years.  You will also be entitled to the services of a case manager to co-ordinate your rehabilitation.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious accident where you were unconscious at the scene of the accident or shortly after, Brenda will help you access this higher level of funding to facilitate the best recovery possible.

Call Brenda at 613 860-4529 (office) or 613 851-4529 (cell).  We make home and hospital visits.

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