Motor Vehicle Accident Case Study: Danielle

Danielle was only sixteen when she was severely injured while riding the bus on her way home from school. The school bus driver abruptly applied the brakes, projecting Danielle into the front windshield. Her head cracked the windshield on impact. Later that night, paramedics came to Danielle’s house and brought her to the hospital.
At the hospital, Danielle complained of headaches, nausea, and nosebleeds, which led to her diagnosis of a concussion and nasal contusion. She was referred to meet with a specialist at a later date. The specialist noticed Danielle’s tremor and jittery movements and diagnosed her with a ligamentous venous anomaly around the right-sided thalamus.
Danielle experienced significant behavioral changes at school following the incident such as licking desks and windows, becoming angry at things, and making noises. These aggressive and immature acts resulted in Danielle being reported to the office more frequently and being suspended from the bus and from school. It was also noted that Danielle’s school performance was dramatically affected. Doctors confirmed that she suffered from post-concussion syndrome and recommended she undergo a modified learning plan.
Danielle suffers from dizziness, chronic headaches and behavioral/mood changes. Her symptoms severely affect her quality of life. Prior to the accident, Danielle was an avid hockey player and sportsperson. Due to her injuries, she is unable to participate in the same activities and has lost friends due to her limitations. Danielle’s injuries have also put her at a competitive disadvantage in terms of future education and employment.
Danielle’s mother has lost the guidance, care, and companionship of her daughter, as a result of the accident. Prior to the incident, Danielle and her mother had a special bond. The two enjoyed frequent bonding time before the incident, including long drives, and working on household tasks together. Now, Danielle completely ignores these requests and is overall “angrier and less helpful.”
Our firm helped Danielle and her mother receive compensation for their pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life. We started a lawsuit and accident benefits claim against the school board, the bus driver, and the bus company, who were all liable for the accident. The school bus driver acted negligently while operating the bus. He applied his brakes abruptly and dangerously. Furthermore, the bus company only hired the driver three weeks prior to the accident and failed to provide adequate training, which could have prevented the injury. The school board is responsible for the safety of its students and failed to ensure the bus company was operating safely. The case was able to settle at mediation as both parties could agree on a fair amount. Danielle and her mother were happy to receive both an accident benefits and lawsuit settlement. The two no longer had to worry about their uncertain financial future resulting from the accident.