Fatal Bicycle Accidents in Ontario
While we like to think about bicycle riding as a fun and care-free activity, the reality is that some bicycle accidents are so severe that they result in the death of the cyclist. In such cases, the individual’s family is entitled to make a fatality claim for their loss. In many cases, cyclists are injured or killed due to the negligence and reckless actions of a driver. In these instances, the cyclist’s family is entitled to file a lawsuit against the responsible party (the negligent driver).
If you have a loved one who was killed in a cycling accident, you may be entitled to some financial compensation. Here are a few things you should know before you decide to pursue a wrongful death case.
There are time limits for filing a claim after a cyclist has died 
Firstly, there is a limited time period after the bicycle fatality in which you can file a suit. This is called the statue of limitations and it can vary depending on the details of the particular case. Since the time period can vary, it is difficult to even give a range of time that you may have. If you want to know the exact statue of limitation in your case, you should speak with a personal injury lawyer.
The cyclist’s family may be entitled to insurance coverage
Statutory Accident Benefits, or SABS, which are mandatory for all Ontarians who have car insurance, provide some coverage for family members of someone killed in a cycling accident. They offer specific death benefits for certain family members, such as a person’s spouse and their children. Included in these benefits is a fixed amount available to cover the costs of a funeral.
Family members can also be eligible to receive compensation for monetary losses as a result of the death. This can include medical bills and burial expenses. This kind of compensation can also apply to any dependants of the deceased and they may be able to file a claim for the loss of part of the person’s salary and pension. Compensation may also be available for things like the loss of care and companionship as well as travel expenses, nursing services and housekeeping services that were required.
Get Help
If you have a loved one who died as a result of a cycling accident, you may be able to receive compensation for your loss. While this does not make the situation easier to bear, it may ease some of the financial burden associated with the loss of a family member. If you are looking for legal guidance during this difficult time, feel free to contact the personal injury lawyers at Auger Hollingsworth to discuss your case. We can be reached at 613 233-4529.