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What is a Pre-trial and Why Do I Need One?

This post was originally published on Nov 3rd, 2010 and updated on June 17th, 2020.   If you have a personal injury lawsuit in Ottawa or certain other jurisdictions in this Eastern Ontario, you will have a pretrial before your case goes to trial before a judge or a judge and jury. [...]

By |June 17, 2020|Blog, Ontario Legal Process for Accidents|

Defensive Driving: What to Do If You Get a Flat Tire While Driving

This post was originally published on Sep 2nd, 2012 and updated on June 16th, 2020.   There is nothing worse than a flat tire. Especially at night! Ugh! Have you heard the ominous “thump thump thump” while driving?  You know that noise means your vehicle is now operating one wheel [...]

By |June 16, 2020|Accident Information, Blog|

How Can We Have A Successful Examination for Discovery?

Many plaintiffs in the GTA worry about their examination for discovery.  Examination for discovery is an important part of your case. It is the first time the opposing lawyer hears from you directly. The defence lawyer hired by the insurance company will develop an impression of the strength of your [...]

By |June 15, 2020|Blog|

5 Things You Should Know Before You Settle Your Accident Benefit Claim

Are you thinking about resolving your accident benefit case? If you are representing yourself on your motor vehicle accident file, or even just looking after your own accident benefit claim, the insurance adjuster may approach you to discuss settling your accident benefit claim. Many claimants in the Greater Toronto Area [...]

By |June 12, 2020|Blog, Statutory Accident Benefits|

How Can I Have Success at Examination for Discovery? | Ontario

This post was originally published on Nov 3rd, 2010 and updated on June 12th, 2020.   Many plaintiffs worry about the examination for discovery. The truth is, this is an important part of your case. It is the first time the opposing lawyer hears from you directly. Not only will the [...]

By |June 12, 2020|Blog, Ontario Legal Process for Accidents|

Choosing Your Ottawa Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one in Eastern Ontario has suffered a spinal cord injury caused by someone else’s negligence, you need a personal injury law firm that is well equipped, experienced and with enough financial clout to fight for all available funding. Getting the maximum settlement or trial [...]

By |June 10, 2020|Blog, Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer|

How Long Will It Take to Settle My Ontario Accident Case?

This post was originally published on Sep 3rd, 2010 and updated on June 4th, 2020.   As personal injury lawyers who meet hundreds of accident clients, we know that if you have been in a motor vehicle collision, either as a driver, passenger, cyclist or pedestrian, you are probably wondering how [...]

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