An Important Reminder To Our Cherished Clients

Newsletter September 3 FNL

To build your case and obtain fair compensation, our team needs to collect all of your medical and rehabilitation records.  Insurance companies require them.  We need your help to collect the complete file.

  • We need your authorizations.  If you have not returned all your authorizations, electronically, by drop off or by mail, we are stuck.  We can help you complete the authorizations.  Just reach out to tell us you need help.
  • We need to know who has been treating you.  We can get a list of medical doctors who see you, but the list can take a while to receive.  There is no list for treatment not covered by OHIP.  To make sure we can build you file in a timely and complete way, please notify us by email or phone every time you see a new:
  • doctor
  • physiotherapist
  • chiropractor
  • massage therapist
  • osteopath
  • naturopath
  • dietician / nutritionist
  • occupational therapist
  • psychologist / social worker / psychotherapist
  • If you are sent for testing such as ultrasound, MRI, ST Scan or X-ray, please let us know so we can collect those records as soon as possible.  If your doctor allows you electronic access to your medical records, download the report and send it to us as soon as you can.

These three steps will ensure that your case moves as quickly as possible!  Thanks for your co-operation.



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